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Transgender is a gender inequality person's identity against the gender assigned to him. Transgender is not a sexual orientation. Transgender person who can identify themselves as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual. Some assess naming a common sexual orientation is not sufficient or can not be applied against transgender condition. Some definitions of "transgender" is as follows.
 "It does not identify [themselves] or not dressed as sex (and gender assumed) designated at birth." Transgender individual may have characteristics that are usually associated with a particular gender and gender can also identify them outside of the general definition is as agender, gender neutral, genderqueer, non-binary, or third gender. Someone who is transgender can also identify themselves as an bigender, pangender, or include parts of some continuum of transgender general or also include other parts are developed with the most current studies are more detailed.
     "A person appointed as a particular sex, usually after birth by sexual conditions, but feel that it is wrong and does not describe them completely."
  Furthermore , many transgender people experience a period of identity development, including a better understanding of the image, reflection, as well as their self-expression. More specifically, the state of a person feels more genuine, authentic, as well as convenient to their outward appearance and receive their original identity referred to as alignment transgender

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